Wednesday, March 20, 2013

The Spring Equinox (also called the Vernal Equinox)

We welcome the balance of light and dark today and the beginning of the spring season. It is a time of balance, rebirth, and renewal; a special time for intentions, new projects, change, and growth.
As we celebrate today, our little part of the world is still adorned with winter's snow, however, despite the snow and cold I can feel spring and have been feeling her presence more strongly this past week. Remember that the last cold bite of winter  is strengthening all the buds and seeds and small plants (us too!) that are starting to emerge from the earth--this last bit of winter toughens them and will help keep them strong and healthy through the rest of the spring, summer, and fall. The overlap of the seasons is magical, and all together necessary, as all aspects of the natural world are.

Celebrate the coming of warmer weather, soft dirt, longer days, and young plants today. Here are some ideas:

·         Grow something (inside or out)

·         Sprout something

·         Create a spring alter in your home with objects that remind you of spring

·         Drink warming, sunny-colored mead

·         Drink tea using herbs from last year's spring or herbs that first show up at the start of spring, like nettle

·         If you have fresh, young nettle or dandelion greens steam them and eat

·         Take hair from your brushes & lint from your drying and bring out side for the birds to collect for their nests

·         Create a meal in honor of the equinox (eat eggs, a sign of fertility)

·         Dye eggs with natural dyes

·         Clean/organize a space that hasn't been touched in awhile

·         Make a space for creativity/creative energy in your home

·         Create a space in your home for growth of something--drawing, writing, babies, spirituality

·         Take a walk outside and find signs of spring (collect objects for your alter)

·         Start clearing your garden, if you can, or begin planning out your garden map

·         Clean your yard and neighborhood of litter with friends and neighbors

·         Wear bright colored clothing

·         Practice balancing yoga, dance, or stretching

·         Burn incense that is sweet and invigorating to cleanse the air

·         Do a white sage smudge ceremony with your loved ones

·         Meditate on rebirth. What parts of your life need to be given new life and awareness?

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